Last updated: March 21, 2025
Watch this page for upcoming events and professional learning related to school wellness. We feature sessions from Alberta Health Services and partner organizations, and focus on those that are available province-wide.
The health promotion facilitator assigned to your school authority may be able to identify other events and professional learning in your local area.
- Browse our calendar of events and professional learning
- Book a professional learning session
- Explore self-directed learning
Calendar of events and professional learning
April 30, 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. |
After School Special: Vaping Compliance and Enforcement in Schools Organizer: Alberta Health Services Please join us for our upcoming After School Special. The AHS Tobacco, Smoking, and Vaping Enforcement Program will outline school responsibilities under the provincial Tobacco, Smoking and Vaping Reduction Act. We will share best practices and practical strategies on what schools can do to address vaping product use on school grounds, and what an effective vaping policy should include. Participants will discuss challenges they are facing and have their questions answered by an expert in the field. |
May 1 – 3 |
Physical Health and Education (PHE) National Conference Organizer: PHE Canada Join us for the PHE National Conference 2025 in Niagra Falls, Ontario! This fun three-day event is all about physical and health education. Teachers, students, and health experts from across Canada will share new ideas and activities. You'll hear great speakers, join exciting workshops, and learn how to make schools healthier and more active. There’s something for everyone—come and be part of it! |
May 8 – 10 |
2025 Outdoor Learning Conference Organizer: Take Me Outside Join this three-day in person conference in beautiful Banff, Alberta. The theme this year is “Place and Pedagogy: Where Learning Happens” and will focus on Indigenous ways of knowing, health and wellbeing, and environmental and climate change education. |
May 9 |
Health & Physical Education Council (HPEC) Free Professional Development Day Organizer: HPEC Join HPEC for a free One Day Professional Development Day in Red Deer. This event will take place in lieu of the annual HPEC conference, but HPEC members can still apply for 2025 HPEC membership conference grants to cover travel and substitute costs to attend. |
Various dates and times
Free Public Workshops To Support Mental Health Organizer: Alberta Health Services Join Alberta Health Services Mental Health Promotion & Illness Prevention team for free public workshops to support mental health and wellness. We offer a variety of sessions to help you cope with stress, prepare for emergencies, and support disaster recovery. |
Book a professional learning session
Alberta Health Services offers both in-person and virtual professional learning sessions on a variety of school health topics. We use evidence-informed learning approaches that foster engagement and continued application. All sessions are free of charge and hosted by local health promotion facilitators.
We can adapt our session length and style to suit the learning needs of your audience, including school authority leaders, school administrators, teachers, counsellors, and other school staff. Please note that we prioritize sessions booked at a school authority level.
For more information, check out the descriptions below. To book a session, contact your local health promotion facilitator or email
Active bodies, thriving brains: How movement fuels mental health
Movement is essential for healthy physical and mental development in children and youth. Join us to learn about physical activity as a tool to for emotional regulation, stress management, self-esteem, and problem-solving. We'll try out fun movement-based activities for your classroom and school, and inspire you with Alberta-based stories and examples.
Embrace nature: Weaving the outdoors into school experiences
Nature is our original teacher and is all around us in Alberta! Exposure to nature increases play and physical activity, and builds social emotional skills in students of all ages. It provides meaningful opportunities to connect with others and with the land. In this session, we'll explore practical ways to weave nature and the outdoors into instructional time, daily activities, and play and leisure at school. Get inspired with resources, stories, and tips to make it happen.
Engage, connect, and support mental health
This session focuses on promoting positive mental health. We'll collaborate on nurturing mental wellness through healthy relationships, family involvement, and student engagement. Discover practical methods to connect with and support students and staff in their mental wellness journey. Join us to explore proven strategies for enhancing mental health in schools—actions you can take within your school community.
Equity, diversity, and schools: Reflections for school professionals
In every classroom and school, there are students who come from households that experience stress, income instability, household food insecurity, differing mental and physical abilities, and other related challenges. In this session, we'll use an equity lens to explore how schools can improve their support for these students and their families by incorporating inclusive activities and curriculum. Using scenarios, we'll consider strengths-based approaches to reduce adverse impacts on well-being and learning outcomes.
Take an engaging virtual tour of the new AHS website, Healthier Together Schools. This is comprehensive school health like you've never seen it before! We'll introduce you to the site's menus, messages, and resources. You'll click and scroll through practical tools to help you take action on health in your classroom and across the whole school community.
Nurture relationships and transform your school community
Learn the evidence behind why relationships are foundational to wellness, student learning, and cultivating a positive classroom environment. Through facilitated discussion and sharing, we'll explore strategies that help nurture relationships, support regulation, and build resiliency for you and your students.
Promote staff wellness
It isn’t easy to be a school professional these days. Now more than ever, your wellness at work matters! In this session, we'll have honest and insightful conversations about staff health and well-being. Find out how your wellness affects students and the overall climate at your school, then get practical tips to create a healthier workplace. We’ll discuss promising practices and help you reflect on the little things that can make a big difference for you and the people you work with.
Looking for a deeper dive on this topic? Check out The ripple effect: Exploring the link between staff and student well-being (3-part series)
The ripple effect: Exploring the link between staff and student wellness (3-part series)
In this series, we'll explore the relationship between staff and student wellness and its impact on overall school climate. We’ll talk about team care, self-care, and work-life balance, and engage in conversations around evidence-based ideas that work. This series will help you reflect on the little things that can make a big difference in creating a healthier school for both staff and students.
Part 1: Build relationships and practice team care
Part 2: Practice self-care at work
Part 3: Foster work-life balance for school staff
Explore self-directed learning
New this year, Alberta Health Services is pleased to offer recorded virtual professional learning sessions. These webinars are a great way to explore new topics and interests at your own pace. Take a look at our featured session and check back often—we'll post more sessions as they become available.
Words matter: Promoting a positive relationship with food
Media, diet trends, and other social forces shape the food choices students make. Educators can help students navigate these influences and build healthier relationships with food. Join AHS Registered Dietitians to reflect on the power of your words and actions—you’ll come away with practical ideas to shift your language when speaking with students about food. For more information, go to healthy relationship with food.
Content warning: This learning module discusses diet, eating disorders and disordered eating, weight, and body image. If you have questions about this session, email