Originally published: May 2024

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These days it’s likely that your child has noticed someone vaping (using an e-cigarette). Even young kids may see vaping in real life, on TV, or online.

There’s growing evidence that vaping is harmful. Most vapes have nicotine. Nicotine is highly addictive and can interfere with brain development.

As your child grows, they’ll form opinions and make choices about vaping. You play a key role in shaping their knowledge, beliefs, and actions. What you say and do matters.

Let’s explore some useful ways you can help your school-age child stay vape-free.

Keep connected

Focus on having a positive relationship with your child—one where they feel supported and connected to you. Kids who have strong relationships with caring adults are more likely to avoid vaping.

Try these tips to connect with your child:

  • Show interest in the topics they care about and want to talk about.
  • Find a hobby, sport, or other activity you can do together or as a family.
  • Eat meals together. Set aside phones and other devices so you can chat.
  • Spend time with your child. Even a brief daily check-in can make a difference. For example, ask them about school, sports, or other activities.

Build their life skills

Support your child in building skills that help them cope with challenges. Research shows that kids with strong life skills are less likely to vape. Here’s what you can do:

  • Support healthy decision-making. When your child is faced with a choice to make, talk them through pros and cons. Help them predict consequences.
  • Teach skills to resist peer influence. Role play how they might handle situations where someone pressures them to vape.
  • Build their self-esteem. Find ways they can practice skills that make them feel capable and confident.

Teach the facts on vaping

Ask your child what they know about the risks of vaping, or what they’ve heard. Encourage them to ask questions—don’t worry if you don’t have all the answers. Remind them that you’re learning together.

Help your child find trusted information about vaping. Start with these websites geared to kids and their families:

If you find that your child isn’t interested in learning with you, review the information on your own. You’ll feel more confident starting a chat about vaping when they’re ready.  

Have open talks

It’s never too early—or too late—to start talking about vaping. Open and caring chats go a long way in helping kids make healthy choices. Try these tips:

  • Keep it calm and casual. Have short, ongoing chats about vaping (instead of one big talk).
  • Talk about vaping when you see it (like when you drive by a vape shop) or when you’re out for a walk together.
  • Remind your child about the perks of being vape-free. For example, talk about how they’ll do their best in sports or save money.
  • If you smoke or vape, be honest about why. Talk about how to make healthy choices.

Be a positive role model

Be mindful that your child watches what you say and do. They’re learning how to be an adult from you.

If you smoke or vape, protect their health by:

  • making your home and vehicle smoke-free. Move all vaping or smoking outside, away from windows or air intakes.
  • storing your vaping and smoking products (like vapes, e-juice, and cigarettes) in a locked cabinet out of sight.
  • remembering that it’s never too late to stop vaping or smoking. Quitting can be hard. If you need help, go to AlbertaQuits.ca or dial 1-866-710-7848 to speak with a Quit Counsellor.

For more information, go to: 

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