Originally published: June 2024

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In a world that can sometimes feel stressful and chaotic, kindness stands out as a light of hope and positivity. Kindness is linked to decreased stress, reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression, lowered blood pressure, and can even ease pain. For teens going through the ups and downs of life, being kind isn’t just a nice thing to do—it’s a powerful tool for self-growth and success. From boosting mental health to improving relationships and learning in schools, there are lots of benefits in kindness.

Explore these 7 simple ways to build kindness and compassion in your teen:

Lead by example

One of the best ways to instill kindness in teens is by being kind to yourself. Show empathy and caring in your day-to-day connections with others, whether it’s with family members, friends, neighbours, or strangers. Let your teen see you lend a helping hand, listen without judgement, and treat others with respect.

Encourage empathy

Help your teen build empathy by teaching them to consider other people’s thoughts and feelings. Make time to chat with them about how their actions might impact others and ask them to put themselves in someone else’s shoes. This can help them better understand others’ experiences and build kindness.

Volunteer together

Taking time to volunteer as a family is a great way to teach teens the value of kindness and giving back to the community. Look for ways to volunteer in your local area, like serving meals to those in need, helping at an animal shelter, taking part in clean-up projects, or visiting older adults in a care facility.

Practice gratitude

Help your teen to build a habit of gratitude by regularly offering or expressing thanks for the people and things in their life. Encourage them to keep a gratitude journal where they can write down 3-5 things they’re grateful at least once a week.

Teach conflict resolution skills

Kindness isn’t just about being nice; it also means standing up for what’s right and solving conflicts in a peaceful way. Teach your teen communication skills, like active listening and being firm when needed, and help them talk through disagreements in a respectful way. Encourage them to seek common ground and find solutions that everyone can agree on.

Embrace diversity

Help your teen see value in diversity by exploring other cultures and ways of thinking. Learn with them about different customs, traditions, and beliefs, and talk about why it’s important to respect and celebrate differences. Highlight the importance of inclusion and empathy towards people from all walks of life.

Set clear expectations

Talk with your teen about what kindness and respect looks like for each of you. Work with them to set ground rules for how family members should treat each other and how to hold everyone accountable for their actions. Encourage all family members to be responsible for their own behaviour and say sorry when they make mistakes.

Now that you know a little more about ways to express kindness, give them a try. Guaranteed you will feel the positive effects.

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