Originally published: September 2021

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Schools in Alberta and across Canada recognize Orange Shirt Day on September 30. It’s a day to honour children that survived residential school, and to remember the lives that were lost. Wearing orange is a symbol of respect and mourning. This year, September 30 also marks the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

You may not know the tragic history of residential schools. You may be coming to terms with the discovery of unmarked graves at former residential school sites across the country. You are not alone. Many parents and caregivers struggle to talk about residential schools. It’s challenging, emotional, and hard to reckon with. There is a lot of hurt.

This Orange Shirt Day, commit to having conversations with your teens about residential schools. It’s not easy, but it’s important. Here’s how to get started.

Learn with your teen

Learn the truth about our tragic history and its lasting impact on Indigenous students and families. With education and training, you’ll be better able to support your teen.

Try these ideas:

Create space for conversation

Ask your teen what they know about Orange Shirt Day, and go from there. Listen. Give them your full attention.

Don’t shy away from the truth—it’s possible to talk about injustice and discrimination with kids of all ages. Younger kids can understand foundational concepts like kindness, fairness, and the difference between right and wrong. Teens may be ready for deeper, more nuanced conversations. Follow their lead.

Remind your teen that it’s okay to ask questions. You may not have the answers, but you can work through it together. Reassure them that as Canadians, we are learning from the past. They don’t need to worry that they will be taken away.

Be there for your teen. While events like Orange Shirt Day can help spark conversations, talking about residential schools is not a one-time thing. It’s our collective responsibility to keep the conversation going.


Use Orange Shirt Day as an opportunity to explore the rich history, diversity, and culture of Indigenous communities in Alberta. Take pride in their beauty, strength, and contributions.

Talking about residential schools is one way to help repair relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians. It’s an important way to build respect, understanding, and empathy.

Orange Shirt Day can help spark a learning journey. Together, we can create a better future for Indigenous children and teens, families, and communities.

Talking about residential schools is difficult. If you are experiencing pain or distress, help is available.

  • National Indian Residential School Crisis Line: 1-866-925-4419
  • Hope for Wellness Help Line: 1-855-242-3310
  • Mental Health Help Line: 1-877-303-2642
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