Build mental health literacy
This information is part of a series to help you take action on school wellness. Use it to spark your imagination and adapt it to suit your school community. Find more ideas and tips at
What's it about?
Building mental health literacy is a strategy to improve mental health across our education system. It's primarily focused on teachers and school staff, but also extends to students and families. It aims to:
- Increase understanding of mental health
- Decrease stigma in classrooms and schools
- Recognize mental illness in its early stages
- Improve students’ ability to get help
This strategy helps adults in your school community get comfortable talking about mental health, so they can help young people build mental health literacy too.
For more on what mental health literacy means, tune in to this brief video: Mental health literacy explained.
What's involved?
Building mental health literacy means taking practical steps to improve your mental health knowledge, understanding, and skills. In time, you'll be better positioned to support students through life's ups-and-downs.
- Reflect on mental health and what it means to you. Your views are likely influenced by your assumptions, your experiences, and the beliefs of those around you.
- Identify your areas for growth. If possible, connect them back to a school development plan, professional learning plan, or the needs of your students.
Tap into local training
- Learn about the evidence-based, high-quality learning opportunities available to you. Start with those from the Alberta Mental Health Literacy Project, offered by Alberta Health Services in partnership with school authorities across the province:
- Go-To Educator Training: Full-day workshops for school staff to boost their confidence to identify, support, and refer students showing early signs of mental health problems.
- Facilitator Training: Train-the-trainer workshops for designated school authority staff, equipping them to offer mental health literacy sessions in their school authority.
- Core Training: Three days of traning for school counsellors and others looking for a clinically-focused, in-depth review of mental disorders and supports for students, and equipping them to offer mental health literacy sessions in their school authority.
Expand your learning
Remember that ongoing professional development is part of building mental health literacy. This includes continuing to build your understanding of topics like:
- Child and adolescent development and psychology
- Implicit bias, anti-racism, anti-oppression, and cultural competence
- Mental health conditions, early interventions, and treatments
- Positive behaviour
- Self-care for mental health
- Social emotional skills
- Social media and online safety
- Supporting students through transitions and changes
- Trauma-informed practice
- Truth and reconciliation
Alberta Health Services and our provincial and local school health partners offer training in many of these areas. For more information, visit training for educators.
Know the pathway through care
A critical part of mental health literacy is knowing what to do when you notice someone who is struggling. Follow the protocols in place in your school authority. If you’re not sure what they are, talk to the designated mental health lead or ask your school administrator.
How it connects
Mental health literacy gives school communities a common language and understanding around mental health, and helps to normalize conversations. It's an important way to improve the early identification of mental illness. When we recognize problems early, we can get students the help they need to be successful in recovery.
Get inspired with French connects, the story of a mental health app designed by and for students in Alberta’s francophone schools.
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© 2023, Alberta Health Services, Promoting Health

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This material is intended for general information only and is provided on an "as is", "where is" basis. Although reasonable efforts were made to confirm the accuracy of the information, Alberta Health Services does not make any representation or warranty, express, implied or statutory, as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, applicability or fitness for a particular purpose of such information. This material is not a substitute for the advice of a qualified health professional. Alberta Health Services expressly disclaims all liability for the use of these materials, and for any claims, actions, demands or suits arising from such use.